Friday, November 14, 2008

Are Mri's Dangerous 2010

the banality of evil? Artissima

Artissima (Torino) the work of John Morbin "Planter" is a lot about himself (strange, no?) and finally sold is removed in a rush to quell the controversy. This is the story in detail , it remains to ask whether in the name of art you can really go over everything.
The artist, who among his works also includes a sculpture entitled
"Forza Nuova", said the report made to the banality of evil (see Annah Arendt) ...

Can Stress Cause Rapid Heart Beats

newsletter brand communication

Apulia Region communicates with the water saving CaruccieChiurazzi

Può l’abuso di un diritto trasformarsi in un delitto? La risposta è sì, se parliamo dello spreco di un bene prezioso come l’acqua dolce. Questo il concetto di base della campagna sul risparmio idrico della Regione Puglia. L’obiettivo è far riflettere i cittadini sulla gravità di certi comportamenti quotidiani considerati normali, ma che invece andrebbero assolutamente evitati per non consumare inutilmente questa importante risorsa. La campagna, realizzata a seguito di una gara che CaruccieChiurazzi si è aggiudicata con il massimo punteggio, è on-air in questi giorni e prevede un mix media TV, Radio, Stampa, Outdoor e below the line.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

How Many Calories Are In Ham And Bean Soup

Is It Christmas?

not know what day is today?
The hectic life does not allow you to savor every moment of your existence?
Today is Christmas?

Risonderà at least one of these questions

How To Get To The Blue Level In Cubefield

brand communication

CaruccieChiurazzi goes on display in "Torino World Design Capital 2008"

There are moments in the professional lives of those involved in creativity for a living, where a refusal may cause regret, because it seems to question their capacity and skills even if they know they have done their jobs well. Now we can say, also what the clients refuse for various reasons, may deserve recognition. This is how "Creatives are Bad" , the exhibition of national campaigns refused, CaruccieChiurazzi selected two works to be presented in December at the Torino World Design Capital 2008. There are two campaigns, a print and a poster designed to D'introno (chain retailers in bathroom) and GTS (intermodal logistics).

Funny Things To Write On T-shirts About Weddings

newsletter newsletter newsletter

Daken il nuovo brand di accessori per veicoli industriali si presenta a IAA ad Hannover

Daken, azienda operante nel segmento degli accessori in plastica per veicoli industriali, per cui CaruccieChiurazzi ha curato la definizione della brand identity e del posizionamento a partire dal design del marchio, si è presentata con i suoi prodotti al più importante appuntamento mondiale dei veicoli industriali e commerciali. Si tratta di IAA di Hannover che si svolge dal 25 settembre al 2 di ottobre e raccoglie la presenza dei più importanti brand dell'automotive, a cui Daken si è presentata con uno stand di grande effect that has intrigued visitors. Daken the brand has become three-dimensional environment to accommodate the public relations of the fair.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Petite Baithing Suits

brand communication brand communication brand communication

Festival of innovation: it communicates CaruccieChiurazzi

The next December, will host the first edition of Bari Innovation Festival, three days dedicated to the encounter between supply and demand for research, innovation and patents. The festival, organized VAT from the Fiera del Levante, has the specific task of bringing together companies and research centers di ricerca per sperimentare forme di collaborazione e sviluppare la domanda e l'offerta di innovazione. CaruccieChiurazzi si è aggiudicata la gara per la comunicazione del festival che comprende tutte le attività ATL e BTL. "Chi ricerca si ritrova" è il main concept della campagna che si declina su tutti gli strumenti di comunicazione per i quali l'agenzia ha scelto formati inusuali che ben si associano alle modalità di partecipazione proposte dagli organizzatori.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Jüli Ashton Tifany Granath

Innovare i codici visivi del settore per affermare il brand

Beltion il brand pugliese di liquori prodotti dalla Merak ha affidato alla CaruccieChiurazzi il redesign del packaging del Fiordilatte di Mandorla, una bevanda pronta ottenuta dalla emulsione di mandorle e acqua. il Fiordilatte di Mandorla Beltion in distribuzione nella GD e DO, si è fatto subito notare per il suo pack che si stacca dai codici visivi del settore e recupera invece i caratteri della tradizione pasticcera trasposti in chiave moderna. Questa soluzione è il frutto della metodologia CaruccieChiurazzi che prevede appunto l'introduzione di innovazioni in termini di identità quando ci si trova in situazione di mercato molto competitiva.
Il packaging: "Un mondo di odori, zucchero a velo e i ricami South of the nobility, all seen through moderna.Una hybridization is required to reach the target both new and traditional health-conscious consumers who are sensitive to culture. "

M. Jak Milosc Program 2

newsletter newsletter newsletter

CaruccieChiurazzi won two silver Natural Gas and D'Introno

Saturday, June 7 in Palermo CaruccieChiurazzi Agora received two silver for the campaigns for GasNatural Italy (English multinational leader in the sale and distribution natural gas) and D'Introno (Puglia chain of 7 stores specializing in bathroom furniture and home furnishings). The Agora Award is an award of communication, to its twentieth edition, open to all Italian advertising agencies and is awarded by a jury composed of representatives of major trade associations that selects between the projects / campaigns presented at the national level.

The awards are based on two campaigns that have been designed with the specific aim of innovating in markets where the competitive situation is particularly complex, and the recognition received from their CaruccieChiurazzi rewards the agency's capacity to break the rules communication used in the two sectors.

How Many Electric Cars Sold

brand communication brand communication

a package that was made immediately space

Since last September, will be distributed in major brands of Italian pasta sauces the GD and OD Beautiful & Fresh , produced by Ciemme Barletta. It is a product made with top quality raw materials and a production cycle in ATM, which guarantees freshness and taste like the typical home-made sauce. CaruccieChiurazzi was responsible for the design of brand identity and packaging design with the specific objective di far cogliere sin dal pack le qualità organolettiche del prodotto. il risultato ha immediatamente prodotto un impatto sulla rete distributiva italiana che lo ha da subito messo a scaffale sia per la sua particolare innovazione produttiva che per l'identità conferita dal pack.
Il packaging: "
Il film in plastica opaca del contenitore, pur costituendo un elemento poco naturale, ha consentito di realizzare un'immagine con forte appetizing in grado di conferire al brand una connotazione di naturalità e gusto".

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kates Playground Paypal

Guerrilla Gardening: Flowers and Zucchini Divider

Mi pare che dietro la definizione Gerrilla of Gardening opens a hypothesis that companies have never considered enough, that is to take care of the environment in which they life relationships with customers. The curious thing is that behind the guerrilla gardening there are ordinary people motivated by good will. In the 80's gardening at home was a trend that has opened the door to greet you, the organic environmentalism. Today this trend to garden in the streets what can we expect?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cheerleading Fundraiser Dunk Tank

males compete for the contract SARTORIALIST! Dress

If Scott Schuman, author of the blog The Sartorialist ,
"the best blog of glamorous road currently exists, or rather, the blog that has just invented the glamor of the street "(P. Calefato) was looking for correspondents from around the world for its staff, strictly for men and each candidate should provide clear indication of its suppliers of style - barber, shoemaker, laundry, etc.., you , cool people, get involved? and there would be perhaps even women, who lied about their sexual identity but to join the super cool staff Sartorialist, would participate by sending a photo of a friend or husband, taking a cue from 'current staff ?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Where To Get You Wedding Dress Made In Thailand


T-shirts sold in bottles of milk?
not alone.
Shirts Made with milk. More
fresh cotton, warmer than the wool
excellent as a snack

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Command Jane Woolrich

temporary spaces: two-year post BJCEM

has just completed the XIII Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean
a ten days of intense exchanges, discussions, presentations, tastings and
patrols among the new trends in art, design, fashion,
of music, literature, dance, theater, the kitchen,
culture marked by new technologies and the factor "young".

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Gold And Black Desert Eagle

Who said Jews are not cool?

Dallo spray che ti insegna la torah
al corso per crescere il proprio cane
secondo la tradizione ebraica.
Magliette, cappeli, action figures e molto altro su :

L'ateismo non è più di moda.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Spicimen Of Rent House

of Endearment

Peluche Soffice fuori
Disco rigido dentro

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ordination Anniversary Gifts

Deborah Sengle: installation at the Galerie Deschler Berlin

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pinnacle Pinnacle Tvcenter Pro 5

"Call me Ishmael"

Video a 360°
potete esplorarli cliccando e trascinando il mouse.
I do not think you need more information

other videos can be found on

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cheers For Free Throws


Happiness has never been so close at hand, or rather not spray
through the products or brands that you can be happy, but happy with the therapy

Monday, April 14, 2008

Best Facial Night Cream

the happiness and if the tiled bathroom Vivienne Westwood + Mendini?

Architects and designers are the new artists of the XXI century:
Trascreativity is an area with ceramic works of art mounted in the pavilion,
place in constant motion, where every day new stars bring to life the living room.
Famous architects, designers and famous fashion designers, meeting to plan and sign
different artistic interpretations of a ceramic wall.
event can also participate by registering here
the walls were made by the author's creative laboratory Refin.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I Really Want To Stop Smoking Cannibis


not pots, but a table consisting of more panels that hide


A real drums to liven up dull meals.

E 'table of the musical drum Musical Furnishings

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Second Birthday Invitation Clip Art

The earth is flat

The society supports the Flat Heart.
With its 13,000 members and a lively forum,
explains how the idea of \u200b\u200ba globe
part of a conspiracy against us.
And if they are right?

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Old Implantation Blood


This proposal for a trench coat, now a proper fashion, it seems to me particularly interesting because it comes from K-WAY, a brand known just because it was claimed since the 70's in onwards. K-WAY has become a very popular brand for a long time then it was considered a low profile and at least in Italy has almost disappeared. Perhaps this is another attempt to popularize trench in a "disruption", that retrieves something old fashioned with a proposal for a very trendy color.