Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stroke Victim Speech Recovery Exercise

Enjoy the ride. The medicine show

The best of starts, the broken heart, the stone.
The punch drunk and the blow, the worst in the beginning, the compassionate part of the phone.
It was an era of gold I know, but all will pass, and will end too soon. You know.

Many friends I hope, and maybe one of them could make the rose, someone held the rope.

This is the end and this is the beginning.

This is the whole and is a part.
This is the hidden part and is its heart.
This is the course, and its brevity.
This is the best part, and the inherent trial.
This is the question, doubt, not to be trusted.
This is the sight and sound.
This is the gift. And the trick in it.

hospital was cold. In Milan, it was windy that night.
I do not even have gone this time.
Maybe I'm not really able.

Friday, February 18, 2011

How Long Before You Get Mouth Cancer

Tutto il resto è noia

From Pile in February 2011.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Adobe Premiere Pro Mpeg Green

Everything else is withdrawal.

Give me the position as a toy, let me fall over the edge of the coffee table where the sky is thrown into the sea, towards the end of last unspeakable.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Old Type Answer Machine

placebo effect

I did cry a man of 36 years.
Pretending that the dignity of, although young woman will be respected.

And as ever in these days I feel like saying that the real problem of women are women themselves

Friday, February 4, 2011

Javelin Camera Manual


It is not love, is not history and it is not reality. It is not televisione, però va in onda. Nella mente.
E' una trasmissione. Non è sesso. Lui è soltanto la guida turistica di un sogno bagnato.Un lap dancer dell’ipnosi.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Proper Shoes For Step Aerobics

hour in which we knew nothing about each other sunrise

Perchè ogni volta che faccio quello che è meglio per me e solo per me, sento come se mi automozzassi un dito?
Non indispensabile per vivere ma fondamentale per la sopravvivenza.

Questo tu sei. Un dito