Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wicker Changing Table

I'm giving you my life

my license, my old report cards, because I look like more than I do not remember that I looked like.
Because I'm sick of hating me and please me and tell old stories that have never were true.
I'm tired of always being me, me, me first.

Watch Full Episodes Of Operation Repo

time to time, time to time. Time to time.

The head in the toilet, drinking and too many tears.
The kitchen crying, vile, but I remain motionless.
This perverse love has died, a dog is sterile. E ' a pain already seen.
often said to myself, never like you.
The moral that we want to put. What is moral? Returnable bottles.
time to time, without growth.
But at night you're crazy, fake, a man useless.
that deep then I understand, Christ was a son like you. He was the son of God, which some call a crazy king. A man is my son, only unreliable ...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Metal Mulisha Birthday Cake


currently concentrated in almost all its entirety to the infamous items that I have to get a fucking letter to make 60 km ci sta mettendo 6 giorni. 

Veil of virtue hung to hide your method
While I smile and laugh and dance
And  sing  your praise and glory.
Shroud of virtue hung to mask your stigma
As I smile and laugh and dance
And sing your glory
While you
Lie, cheat, and steal.
How can I tolerate you.

Our guilt, our blame,
I’ve been far too sympathetic.
Our blood, our fault.
I’ve Been to too sympathetic.

I am not innocent.
You are not innocent.
No one is innocent.

Energy Drinks With Soft Drinks Slogan

Matite sulla Livenza

The City of Sacile and Youth Project organized the sixth ex tempore comic Pencils on Livenza : theme is "Stars of the sky, stars of the River", to be developed on a giant table for a stroll around the city and riverside. Oh, well give you the lunch box! I'll be a tough judge, strictly with turquoise socks. For more information or to register, please click here .

Pencils on Livenza
Ex tempore of comics
Sunday, April 10, 2011, Sacile (PN)
Award at the Lodge Hall

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ecotourism To Attract Tourists

-Six or are you not? -Cogito.

this year I will dress as a girl in obvious overweight looking to increase their self-esteem with an impractical color of hair, and that in any case has failed in every attempt.

Have you ever experienced the feeling of wanting to write with the volume up? As if the words that resonate in the room shaking vomited glasses and their low make you shake your leg muscles?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Curtain Rods In Toronto

'How I fall asleep on you, well, like we're dancing'

And I'm black jackets, striped shirts, socks, nail crushed, the green subway, wine box, below are just a goccino tavor, from a little more 'just a little', it is Milan who still hate Moreover, it is a man who committed suicide in Turin, pass drops, guns and elbows scraped.

E 'when they exploded, the big bang of catharsis, when it is suddenly so clear that you can not tell, but perhaps to write it, wind wind, always the fuckin wind, coffee with milk, I'm hungry, let me smoke, is when you smile Holy shit, when you smile.

E' che sono una cazzona, è che ti volevo dare un bacio, è che la vecchiaia ti sorprende un giorno improvvisamente, è che ho i miei occhi i miei capelli il mio naso, è che sembro irlandese, è la capa dura. E' che sei l'arcobaleno, solo quei sette colori, la luce che si diffrae sul prisma ed esci fuori, non sei la somma nera, la somma bianca, luce, luz.
Sei una testa di cazzo. Balliamo, e salta per dio, meglio così. Denti contro denti.

Ti amo come non amo me stesso.

E' che rimango vicina per quel che resta, per quanto still, I want you to stay, and will remain, it's the last thing I do in my life.