Sunday, January 16, 2011

Commercial Real Estate Career/


amazing how things change in 10 days. O rather, as evolving, or perhaps stagnate, but emerge with just enough to be able to see and do not come to understand a shit.
Worse than before in fact.

What I'm trying to get ste to understand is if all seems to be the result of something I know will happen, one of my usual paranoid or have insights that lead me to go crazy in the sclera, arguing, offending, and then blow it to hell.
What I'm simply trying to figure out if he is I'm missing or what we lived together. What I attacked. To him or her to make me feel important, part of something.
Thank God, I no longer believe in 'I love you', to 'no one like you' to 'in 36 years alone with you I feel ... ' And despite this, I can not explain what leads me to worry.
are not able to love someone, perhaps even more than myself. Definitely not 'for now' I love him.
So I can not explain my willingness to help, to be of relief, in ways that I feel natural to be with those who consider pure, credit life.
Maybe he's right I have some obsession with saving the world. Maybe.

And the only thing I hope is not to be misunderstood again.
live and act according to the heart. Especially with him, and I have not tried to get us into the head, and things are going well, strangely enough for the first time. I removed all filter that imposes life has never seemed so simple. It's good, is wonderful .. as if caressing their lives for the first time, free of any form, of any taxation.
to act like I agirei.
And that's what I do not understand, I repeat. And 'having lived with this him, or have lived this just another human being with those who are the days were beautiful, despite all the outline?
The fact is, far, far away, the head comes in and I just do not answer a call to go crazy, I just posted a song, an ambiguous phrase, one ... do not know.

Now I stay here, trying to have faith in life and in myself, trying to give the prick test and not think of him in the tragic sense of the term, he asks me if 'I'm taking' that he keeps saying 'do not see tregedia all' in response to my 'word and you get rid of me '.

do not know.
But now I would like it here, as usual

I take a penalty that even if I wanted I would not be able to express in words, in deeds, in actions.


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