Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wicker Changing Table

I'm giving you my life

my license, my old report cards, because I look like more than I do not remember that I looked like.
Because I'm sick of hating me and please me and tell old stories that have never were true.
I'm tired of always being me, me, me first.

Watch Full Episodes Of Operation Repo

time to time, time to time. Time to time.

The head in the toilet, drinking and too many tears.
The kitchen crying, vile, but I remain motionless.
This perverse love has died, a dog is sterile. E ' a pain already seen.
often said to myself, never like you.
The moral that we want to put. What is moral? Returnable bottles.
time to time, without growth.
But at night you're crazy, fake, a man useless.
that deep then I understand, Christ was a son like you. He was the son of God, which some call a crazy king. A man is my son, only unreliable ...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Metal Mulisha Birthday Cake


currently concentrated in almost all its entirety to the infamous items that I have to get a fucking letter to make 60 km ci sta mettendo 6 giorni. 

Veil of virtue hung to hide your method
While I smile and laugh and dance
And  sing  your praise and glory.
Shroud of virtue hung to mask your stigma
As I smile and laugh and dance
And sing your glory
While you
Lie, cheat, and steal.
How can I tolerate you.

Our guilt, our blame,
I’ve been far too sympathetic.
Our blood, our fault.
I’ve Been to too sympathetic.

I am not innocent.
You are not innocent.
No one is innocent.

Energy Drinks With Soft Drinks Slogan

Matite sulla Livenza

The City of Sacile and Youth Project organized the sixth ex tempore comic Pencils on Livenza : theme is "Stars of the sky, stars of the River", to be developed on a giant table for a stroll around the city and riverside. Oh, well give you the lunch box! I'll be a tough judge, strictly with turquoise socks. For more information or to register, please click here .

Pencils on Livenza
Ex tempore of comics
Sunday, April 10, 2011, Sacile (PN)
Award at the Lodge Hall

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ecotourism To Attract Tourists

-Six or are you not? -Cogito.

this year I will dress as a girl in obvious overweight looking to increase their self-esteem with an impractical color of hair, and that in any case has failed in every attempt.

Have you ever experienced the feeling of wanting to write with the volume up? As if the words that resonate in the room shaking vomited glasses and their low make you shake your leg muscles?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Curtain Rods In Toronto

'How I fall asleep on you, well, like we're dancing'

And I'm black jackets, striped shirts, socks, nail crushed, the green subway, wine box, below are just a goccino tavor, from a little more 'just a little', it is Milan who still hate Moreover, it is a man who committed suicide in Turin, pass drops, guns and elbows scraped.

E 'when they exploded, the big bang of catharsis, when it is suddenly so clear that you can not tell, but perhaps to write it, wind wind, always the fuckin wind, coffee with milk, I'm hungry, let me smoke, is when you smile Holy shit, when you smile.

E' che sono una cazzona, è che ti volevo dare un bacio, è che la vecchiaia ti sorprende un giorno improvvisamente, è che ho i miei occhi i miei capelli il mio naso, è che sembro irlandese, è la capa dura. E' che sei l'arcobaleno, solo quei sette colori, la luce che si diffrae sul prisma ed esci fuori, non sei la somma nera, la somma bianca, luce, luz.
Sei una testa di cazzo. Balliamo, e salta per dio, meglio così. Denti contro denti.

Ti amo come non amo me stesso.

E' che rimango vicina per quel che resta, per quanto still, I want you to stay, and will remain, it's the last thing I do in my life.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stroke Victim Speech Recovery Exercise

Enjoy the ride. The medicine show

The best of starts, the broken heart, the stone.
The punch drunk and the blow, the worst in the beginning, the compassionate part of the phone.
It was an era of gold I know, but all will pass, and will end too soon. You know.

Many friends I hope, and maybe one of them could make the rose, someone held the rope.

This is the end and this is the beginning.

This is the whole and is a part.
This is the hidden part and is its heart.
This is the course, and its brevity.
This is the best part, and the inherent trial.
This is the question, doubt, not to be trusted.
This is the sight and sound.
This is the gift. And the trick in it.

hospital was cold. In Milan, it was windy that night.
I do not even have gone this time.
Maybe I'm not really able.

Friday, February 18, 2011

How Long Before You Get Mouth Cancer

Tutto il resto è noia

From Pile in February 2011.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Adobe Premiere Pro Mpeg Green

Everything else is withdrawal.

Give me the position as a toy, let me fall over the edge of the coffee table where the sky is thrown into the sea, towards the end of last unspeakable.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Old Type Answer Machine

placebo effect

I did cry a man of 36 years.
Pretending that the dignity of, although young woman will be respected.

And as ever in these days I feel like saying that the real problem of women are women themselves

Friday, February 4, 2011

Javelin Camera Manual


It is not love, is not history and it is not reality. It is not televisione, però va in onda. Nella mente.
E' una trasmissione. Non è sesso. Lui è soltanto la guida turistica di un sogno bagnato.Un lap dancer dell’ipnosi.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Proper Shoes For Step Aerobics

hour in which we knew nothing about each other sunrise

Perchè ogni volta che faccio quello che è meglio per me e solo per me, sento come se mi automozzassi un dito?
Non indispensabile per vivere ma fondamentale per la sopravvivenza.

Questo tu sei. Un dito

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Converting V/v And W/v

Li riesci a sentire?
Gli elicotteri?
Sono a New York. Non c'è bisogno di alcuna parola adesso.
We sit in silence. You look at me straight in the eye.
I meet. I think it's Wednesday. The sun sets over me.
Night and day dream of making love with you now baby, making love on screen, impossible dream, and I saw the sunrise over the river, recalling the go-ahead for the mess we are and the sun city \u200b\u200bsunset over me.

What are you wanting? I just want to say never change now and I thank you.
I do not think we yet meet again, and you have to leave now, before sunrise above the skyscrapers of sin and the mess we are in the city and the sun goes down above me.

Sorry. Much.
Preserving myself.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jenna Jameson In Jeans

s (he) be (lie) ve (d) To me

I'm coming to a conclusion.
Flashes of momentary lucidity, closer and closer together.
I do not need such a person, beside her.
I need someone.
Everything here

Friday, January 21, 2011

Numbness And Tingling In Fingers

Vietato ai maggiori di 18

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Senior Week Rentals In Ocean City, Nj

"If you slice the wind picks them up, the kingdom of the spiders cucirebbe skin and hair and weave the moon face and the pollen of God, God's smile.
I found you on the river that played a leaf, flower, singing words read, words of love. I tasted your lips of red red honey I said give me what you want, what I can.
yellow rose, copper rose, never danced for so long along the edge of the night on the stones of the day. I guitar player, mandolin player I eventually we fell on the hay.
Lost for a long, lost little taken seriously, taken as a joke. There was not much to say or think, fortune smiled like a pond in the spring disheveled from the wind in the afternoon. And now I'll wait
tomorrow to be nostalgic. Lady liberty lady fantasy. So precious as the wine so free as the sadness with your cloud of doubt and beauty. "


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Commercial Real Estate Career/


amazing how things change in 10 days. O rather, as evolving, or perhaps stagnate, but emerge with just enough to be able to see and do not come to understand a shit.
Worse than before in fact.

What I'm trying to get ste to understand is if all seems to be the result of something I know will happen, one of my usual paranoid or have insights that lead me to go crazy in the sclera, arguing, offending, and then blow it to hell.
What I'm simply trying to figure out if he is I'm missing or what we lived together. What I attacked. To him or her to make me feel important, part of something.
Thank God, I no longer believe in 'I love you', to 'no one like you' to 'in 36 years alone with you I feel ... ' And despite this, I can not explain what leads me to worry.
are not able to love someone, perhaps even more than myself. Definitely not 'for now' I love him.
So I can not explain my willingness to help, to be of relief, in ways that I feel natural to be with those who consider pure, credit life.
Maybe he's right I have some obsession with saving the world. Maybe.

And the only thing I hope is not to be misunderstood again.
live and act according to the heart. Especially with him, and I have not tried to get us into the head, and things are going well, strangely enough for the first time. I removed all filter that imposes life has never seemed so simple. It's good, is wonderful .. as if caressing their lives for the first time, free of any form, of any taxation.
to act like I agirei.
And that's what I do not understand, I repeat. And 'having lived with this him, or have lived this just another human being with those who are the days were beautiful, despite all the outline?
The fact is, far, far away, the head comes in and I just do not answer a call to go crazy, I just posted a song, an ambiguous phrase, one ... do not know.

Now I stay here, trying to have faith in life and in myself, trying to give the prick test and not think of him in the tragic sense of the term, he asks me if 'I'm taking' that he keeps saying 'do not see tregedia all' in response to my 'word and you get rid of me '.

do not know.
But now I would like it here, as usual

I take a penalty that even if I wanted I would not be able to express in words, in deeds, in actions.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blow Up Movie Screens


From Pile in January 2011.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Commercial Real Estate Career

inaction "Who are you? One of the virgin white coats broken back in front but healthy? " Consume

The dilly dally, of my bright lit stay, t h h steam of my misfortunes as given me the power to be afraid a nd in my mind i'm everyone, a nd in my mind w ithout a care in this whole world w ithout a care in this life i t's what you take that makes it right, p orcelina of the oceans blue.
In the slipstream, of thoughtless thoughts
The light of all that's good, the light of all that's true.  To the fringes gladly, i walk unadorned w ith gods and their creations w ith filth and disease.  With seashell hissing lullabyes a nd whispers fathomed deep inside my own,
Hidden thoughts and alibis m y secret thoughts come alive
without a care in this whole world w ithout a care in this life
It's what you take that makes it right.
And in my mind I'm everyone.
In my mind I'm everyone of you.